11.5 IT Equipment Acquisition/Asset Management and Confirmation Policy & Procedures

Scope of Policy

This policy is to facilitate the purchasing and use of IT / microcomputer equipment and software used on the East Georgia State College campus. This policy is to formalize the procedure for the approval, acquisition, and management of hardware and software for microcomputer systems and other related IT systems throughout the College. All departments / units of the college are covered by this plan.


The primary goals of this policy are as follows:

    1. Formalize the local approval process for the purchase of microcomputer systems.
    2. Establish steps for the approval process.
    3. Establish standards for hardware and software for microcomputers.
    4. Establish standards for communication and networking capabilities for microcomputer systems.
    5. Provide detailed information about standards for microcomputer systems in order that appropriate systems meeting standards are easily identified.

Approval Process – Policies and Procedures

The approval process for the purchase of IT equipment and/or microcomputer system hardware and software will consist of the following steps:

    1. Prior to purchasing any microcomputer system or related IT equipment, the requestor must first consult with the college's Information Technology Department to ensure that the system / equipment and/or software will function properly with the college's network configuration and other related IT configurations. In addition, by consulting with the Information Technology Department prior to purchase, this helps to ensure no duplication in equipment or services will occur.
    2. All requests for purchasing microcomputer systems and related IT information equipment will require the completion of the college's departmental request form or purchase card request form – both of these forms are available via the College's Intranet site – wwi.jishuoba.com.
    3. Prior to submitting request to the College's business office and/or department / division head, all requests must be routed to the College's Vice President for Information Technology for approval. If needed, the request may be returned to the originator for corrections and/or changes. The Vice President for Information Technology will assist the requestor in preparing the request for approval.
    4. If a request is not approved by the Vice President for Information Technology, the request will be returned to the originator with comments and an explanation of the disapproval.
    5. All purchase requests will adhere to current University System of Georgia purchasing procedures.

Hardware Policies, Procedures, and Standards

The following minimum standards will be followed when requesting computer workstations:

    1. Intel Pentium IV, or greater, microprocessor HP is currently the state vendor of choice for computer workstations. No Apple / Macintosh computers may be ordered unless obtaining prior approval from the Vice President for Information Technology.
    2. Minimum of 4GB of RAM with upgrade capabilities.
    3. Monitors – 1024 x 768 VGA non-interlaced for Intel machines. Minimum 17 inch flat panel displays should be obtained.
    4. Minimum of 200GB hard drive; 24X CD-ROM or 4X DVD drive with CD / DVD burner.
    5. Ethernet card capable of connection to campus network – minimum 10/100/1000MB card.
    6. Minimum three-year warranty for parts, service, onsite service.

All microcomputer systems will be purchased from state contracts. All requests must give the name and location of recommended vendor and state contract number. Requests for microcomputers from sources other than state contracts will not be approved unless the equipment requested is not available from a state contract.

Computer systems and peripherals will be installed/moved, maintained, and/or inventoried only by Information Technology staff. The exception will be the college's Plant Operations staff, who often assist the Information Technology Department with moving/relocating IT equipment. Information Technology will maintain an inventory of College computer systems in an Access database. Included in the database is the hardware information of the computer – processor, type, RAM, hard drive, IP address, Mac address, and college decal inventory number (if available). Also included are the employee and division responsible for the equipment. An inventory of software loaded on each computer is maintained to insure that license agreements are not violated and that users do not download software that could interfere with the supported software already installed.

The staff members of the EGSC Information Technology Department are not responsible for providing technical support to faculty, staff, students or other related parties with personally owned IT equipment and/or software.

- - The only exception to the Information Technology Department's staff being responsible for providing support for personally owned IT equipment (i.e., notebook, laptop computer) is (1) for assisting faculty, staff, students or guests of the college who are experiencing problems accessing the college's wireless Internet service or (2) for providing assistance to faculty & staff for problems utilizing the EGSC VPN remote access. Please refer to the "Information Technology Support Services Policy" for additional information regarding this issue.

Life expectancy of microcomputer systems and related information

Microcomputer systems that were purchased by the College will continue to be used/refurbished for a period not to exceed five (5) years. Only staff of the College's Information Technology Department may perform refurbishing tasks. Systems that have become outdated or that have surpassed the five-year life expectancy period will be sent to the local state surplus facility or transferred to other qualifying State of Georgia entities. Under no circumstances may any college-owned computer related equipment (whether outdated or otherwise) and/or software be loaned to (temporarily or long-term) individuals or other parties.

Software Policies, Procedures, and Standards

(Please refer to the East Georgia State College Approved Software/Applications Policy for additional information regarding approved software and applications.)

The following standards will be followed when requesting software:

    1. Operating system for workstation machines is Windows 7.
    2. The college's approved office application is Microsoft Office Professional Edition – current version.
    3. The college's approved Virus protection software is McAfee.
    4. Only the following Email applications will be supported by Information Technology: Eudora, Outlook, Outlook Express.

- Any software that must be installed on one or more of the college's network servers must first be approved by the College's Information Technology Department. The installation of such software will be done only by Information Technology staff.

- All requests for software will be subject to the review of the Vice President for Information Technology.

- Each semester, faculty will be notified (via email) of a deadline for submitting software installation requests for the next semester. After the deadline has passed, any request for software installation for the following semester must be approved by the Vice President for Information Technology.

- Software requests for the college's academic labs will be reviewed by the division chairperson and approved by the Vice President for Information Technology.

- All software and licenses will be received and inventoried by the Information Technology staff. The software and licenses will be stored in the Information Technology Department. Where economically feasible, software licenses will be purchased for the College through the Information Technology Department.

- All software will be loaded and installed by Information Technology staff.

- Information Technology staff will request quotes from vendors for software and hardware.